I’m Walking On Sunshine, And Don’t It Feel Good…..

No matter where you are in the world, the weather affects you. It so happens I’m now in a part of the world where clouds prevail and it is quite famous for it’s rain. To be honest, it doesn’t really rain that much, but it’s fun to tell people that it does to keep them away.
The reality of these parts is that you can go a few days (sometimes more) without seeing the sun. Typically when this happens, you see people getting grumpier, short tempered, and generally depressed. For me, when this happens, I find myself getting lazier and just gloomier.
Recognition is the first part to solving the problem.
Absolutely, with so much rain and clouds, when the sun does come out, one thing it taught me is to put everything down, get outside, and just enjoy the free Vitamin D.
If all else fails, I used to tell people, “go find your own sun!”. “Take a vacation and find the weather that you choose!” Easier said than done, right? Wrong. Vacations are quick and easy ways to get away from the weather. And they don’t have to be far and exotic to enjoy them. Of course, I’m lucky that I get to travel for work, so there’s that.
And then what to do if you’re the person who cannot get away? Well, if you know for sure that you’re suffering from Seasonal Depression, you may want to get that checked out. Otherwise, I’m not really sure except that you become a statistic?